The Yorkshire Heraldry Society

Constitution and Rules (revised 2013 - amended 2019)

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1          Title   

The Society shall be called “The Yorkshire Heraldry Society”.


2             Objects

The Society is established for the purpose of encouraging and aiding the interest in and the study of the sciences of Heraldry and Genealogy.


3          Year

The Society’s year shall commence on the 1st January each year.


4            Membership 

(a)            Membership of the Society shall be open to all persons with an interest in heraldry and related subjects.

(b)            Applicants for membership of the Society shall complete a form of application for forwarding to the Membership Secretary for ratification at the next following Committee meeting.

(c)        The Membership Secretary shall keep a Register of members which shall be confidential to the Society and used only in its aims and interests and for no other purpose.


5            Meetings     

(a)        The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in the first quarter of the Society's year at such time and place as the Committee shall decide and not less than two weeks notice in writing of such meeting shall be given to all members by the Honorary Secretary.

(b)        A Special General Meeting of the Society shall be called by the Honorary Secretary at the request of ten members of the Society and not less than two weeks notice in writing of such meeting shall be given to all members of the Society.

(c)        Voting at all meetings shall be made by a show of hands, but a ballot shall be held if a majority of members present do decide.  In the event of an equal division of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

(d)        Eight members shall form a quorum at General Meetings of the Society.


6            Subscriptions

(a)        The annual subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.

(b)        Of any subscriptions shall remain unpaid at the end of March in any year the member concerned shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Society.



7            Finance and Accounts

(a)        Proper books of accounts shall be maintained by the Honorary Treasurer.

(b)        An Income and Expenditure Account for the period to the end of December of each year shall be prepared by the Honorary Treasurer and presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting after audit by the Honorary Auditor who shall have been appointed for such purpose at the previous Annual General Meeting.

(c)        The Committee shall have power to open such banking accounts as they think fit and all such accounts shall require the signature of at least two Officers for withdrawals.

(d)        The Committee are authorised to apply the funds of the Society as they consider appropriate in furtherance of the objects of the Society.


8            Committee     

(a)        The business of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting and such Committee shall consist of the Chairman,Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Press and Publicity Officer and up to five other members of the Society, Vice President(ex officio)

(b)        The Committee shall have power to co-opt.

(c)        Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum at a Committee meeting.

(d)        In the absence of the Chairman the Treasurer shall chair the meeting. In the absence of the Treasurer the Secretary shall chair the meeting and so on in the order of the above listed.


9            Activities       

(a)            Meetings shall be held for the reading of papers, the exhibition of objects of heraldic and genealogical interest, the hearing of lectures and general tuition.

(b)        Suitable excursions shall be arranged.

(c)        Non-members shall be admitted to lectures, exhibitions and discussion on payment of a fee.


10            Honorary Membership  

The Society in General Meeting may elect such persons as they think fit to be Honorary Members of the Society, and they may also invite a President, Vice-President and Patrons to take these offices.


11            Amendments of Rules             

No clause may be altered, amended or deleted except with the consent of a majority of members present and qualified to vote at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting of which requisite notice has been given.  Any such amendment or amendments approved at a General Meeting shall take effect immediately.